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Oil & Oil Filter Change On The Alfa 4C.

You will need SPORT POWER 5W-40 oil 16365015, oil filter 55256371 & sump plug 55196309

Workshop time: 1 hour

If you would like to book your 4C into the workshop the price of this service is £182.38


Undo the screws that secure the alloy under tray.


loosen the 13mm sump bolt so the it slow drains into a suitable container. Remove the bolt, replace the sump washer and screw back into the sump.


Remove the oil filter which sits just above the right hand rear drive shaft cup with an oil filter wrench (there's not much room).


Wipe the face of the housing, smear clean engine oil over the rubber seal of the new filter and screw in hand tight.


Replace the under tray.


Pop the boot release.


Prop the boot up with the sophisticated tool supplied by Alfa.


Unscrew the filler cap.


Fill up with 5 litres of the recommended oil and replace the cap.


Briefly run the engine then locate the yellow dip stick plug and remove.


Wipe the dip stick, replace then remove, repeat again for a true reading and top up as required.

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