Resetting The Oil Service Light On A Giulietta.
The service light will be reset by the garage who carried out the oil and oil filter change with the aid of an examiner.
 | The little oil can light on the right means it's due a service. |
 | So we have a look and apparently your service coupon has expired!! |
 | Once the examiner is plugged in and the right page accessed it shows the two service codes that need deleting, DTC P0521 and P0524. |
 | Next it shows us how many recorded oil changes the vehicle has had (x3), the milage when it was last serviced (70849km) and how many kilometers left before it was due an oil change (700km). |
 | If the technician had held the examiner straight you could now see that the vehicle has just had its fourth oil change, is showing the current milage (105202km) and how many more kilometers to the next service. |
 | All good to go! |